Before and After: Mudroom Renovation
There was once an awkward room with a passageway, door, or window on every wall. It had no use or purpose at all. For months, it sat empty. The eyesore soon became hard to ignore, and so it was time for this sad space to get a new and shiny face. (See what I did there? ‘Tis the season. 😉)
The house was built in 1926 so it was short on storage for just about everything. It especially lacked a home for shoes, coats, hats, and bags. Because the garage is located on the backside of the house, the backdoor was the main entrance for the family. Conveniently, the awkward and unused room is located just inside the back and side doors making it the perfect location for a mudroom.
Ready to witness the power of fresh and new materials?
Part of the room had a lovely brownish-pink linoleum and guess what was right inside the other door? Carpet. Can you imagine trying to keep that clean? In a home with dogs running in and out to the backyard, no less. Yeah… The flooring needed to go. Stat.
To ease cleaning and reduce the level of maintenance, new tile was laid throughout and into the adjacent room. Below, you’ll see the transition we created between rooms.
The old, dingy light was swapped out for a modern fixture to brighten up the space and add textural interest that could anchor this tall-ceilinged room.
We built in storage cabinets for necessary household items best kept behind closed doors. This created an opportunity to add personality with a splash of color. (How do you like that beautiful green?)
Baskets and coat hooks were included for easy access to everyday wear and window treatments were installed to keep the sunlight at bay as it sets on this west side of the house.
Because there are some furry, four-legged family members, we incorporated a cabinet specifically for all things dog – food, treats, toys.... And for the 2-legged members of the house – catch all drawers and storage space for mail and keys.
Ahh, much better.
Do you have a weird room in your house that you don’t quite know what to do with it? It has potential but how? If you need help creating a vision for your space and bringing it to life, let’s chat.